This is a partial, rough-cut list of bioethics minor-related courses for the Fall 2017 semester. The courses are arranged according to our grid of minor requirements. If anyone spots a relevant course on SIS that is not listed below, please contact Prof. Zigon at
RELG 2650-100 (10801) Theological Bioethics, Lecture, Open, 0/180, Nichole Flores, Wilson Hall 301, MW 11:00AM-11:50AM
BIOLOGY REQUIREMENT Students may take one of the following courses, or, with AP Biology credits in hand, take any Biology course at or above the 3000 level.
BIOL 2100-001 (11092) Introduction to Biology w/Laboratory: Cell Biology and Genetics, Lecture, Open, 0/396, David Kittleson, Chemistry Bldg 402, MWF 11:00AM-11:50AM, F 3:00-5:00PM
BIOL 2100-002 (10075) Introduction to Biology w/Laboratory: Cell Biology and Genetics, Lecture, Open, 0/396, David Kittleson, Chemistry Bldg 402, MWF 1:00PM-1:50PM and F 3:00-5:00PM
ETHICAL/POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY REQUIREMENT One course under this two-course requirement must be in ethics, as opposed to political philosophy; and one must be at the 3000 level or higher. (*=ethics credit.)
*PHIL 1750-100 (13970) The Meaning of Life, Lecture, Open, 0/180, Walter Ott, Minor 125, MW 11:00AM-11:50AM
*PHIL 2500-100 (19852) Survey on a Philosophical Topic: Well Being, Lecture, Open, 0/60, Elizabeth Barnes, Maury Hall 104, TuTh 9:00AM-9:50AM
PHIL2770-100 (13259) Political Philosophy, Lecture, Open, 0/60, Alan Simmons, Clark Hall 108, TuTh 9:30AM-10:20AM
*PHIL 3720-001 (13622) Contemporary Ethics, Lecture, Open, 0/30, Rebecca Stangl, New Cabell Hall 485, TuTh 11:00AM-12:15PM
PLPT 3020 (11038) Modern Political Thought, Lecture, Open, 0/162, Stephen White, Nau Hall 101, MW 1:00PM-1:50PM
BIOETHICS ELECTIVES: The Minor requires 3 electives, at least 2 of which must be in the core category:
ANTH 5559-001 (19189) New Course in Anthropology: Relational Ethics, Open, 7/20, Jarret Zigon, Brooks Hall 103, TuTH 3:30PM-4:45PM
PHIL 3520-001 (21758) Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Open, 13/25, Maury Hall 110, TuTh 5:00PM- 6:15PM
PHIL 3652-001 (13263) Animals and Ethics, Lecture, Open, 0/30, Sahar Akhtar, Wilson Hall 238, TuTh 9:30AM-10:45AM
PLIR 4310-001 (14917) Global Health and Human Rights, Open, 0/15, Michael Smith, New Cabell Hall 068, We 7:00PM-9:00PM
RELG 4023-001 (11165) Bioethics Internship Seminar, Seminar, Open, 0/12, Mary Marshall, New Cabell Hall 364, Th 3:30PM-6:00PM
RELATED ELECTIVES: Only one related elective course will count towards the 3 required electives. Such courses are either freestanding -- i.e., they don’t need to be paired with a core elective course (e.g., Medical Anthropology), or they must be paired with a core elective in order to count (e.g., Health Economics should be paired with a core elective like Justice & Health Care). If in doubt, contact the Program Director.
Freestanding electives:
ANTH 2280-001 (13967) Medical Anthropology, Lecture, Open 0/90, TBD, Gilmer Hall 190, MoWe 12:00PM-12:50PM
ANTH 3130-001 (19178) Disease, Epidemics and Society, Lecture, Open, 0/85, John Shepherd, Claude Moore Nursing Educ G010, TuTh 12:30PM-1:45PM
PHIL 2510-001 (21690) Environmental Ethics, Lecture, Open 5/30, Andrew Morgan, New Cabell Hall 058, MoWeFr 10:00AM-10:50AM
PHIL 2510-001 (21691) Environmental Ethics, Lecture, Open 3/30, Andrew Morgan, New Cabell Hall 389, MoWeFr 9:00AM-9:50AM
RELG 3559-004 (20886) New Course in Religious Studies: Care of the Body, Open, 2/20, Julia Kelto Lillis, Maury Hall 113, TuTh 2:00PM-3:15PM
Paired electives:
SOC 2052-001 (10852) Sociology of the Family, Lecture, Open, 0/60, William Wilcox, Minor Hall 125, MW 9:00AM-9:50AM [Should be paired with Reproductive Ethics]