Spring 2025


This is a partial, rough-cut list of health, ethics, and society minor-related courses for the Fall 2024 semester.  The courses are arranged according to our grid of minor requirements. If anyone spots a relevant course on SIS that is not listed below, please contact Prof. Zigon at jz8h@virginia.edu

Intro Health, Ethics, and Society Courses

ANTH 2280 Medical Anthropology

Jarrett Zigon

We 3:30-5:10


HES Requirement

ANTH 3290 Biopolitics and the Contemporary Condition

Sylvia Tidey

Th 3:30-6


Ethical and Political Theory (E/P)

PHIL 1730 Introduction to Moral and Political Philosophy

Nate Adams

TuTh 8:30-9:20


PHIL 3640 Political Philosophy

Alexander Motchoulski

TuTh 5-6:15


PHIL 3710 Ethics

Talbot Brewer

MoWe 2:00-3:15


PHIL 3720 Contemporary Ethics

Rebecca Stangl

TuTh 3:30-4:45


PLPT 3020 Modern Political Thought

Colin Bird

MoWe 9:00-9:50


PLPT 3030 Contemporary Political Thought

Jennifer Rubenstein

MoWe 11:00-11:50


PLPT 3050 Survey of American Political Theory

James Savage

We 2:00-4:30


PLPT 3500 Liberalism and Its Critics

Colin Bird

MoWe 5:00-6:15


PLPT 4500 Politics and Morality 

Vijay Phulwani

We 5:00-7:30



AAS 3500 Race, Gender, and Environmental Justice - Latin America

Kache Claytor

MoWe 3:30-4:45


AAS 3500 Race, Class, Politics and the Environment

Kimberly Fields

Tu 3:30-6:00


AAS 3500 Race and Medicine in Post-19th Century America

Liana Richardson

We 2:00-4:30


AMST 3559 Cultures of Disability

Fiona Ngo

TuTh 3:30-4:45


ANTH 3390 Pregnancy, Birthing, and Post-Partum

Gertrude Fraser

TuTh 3:30-4:20


ANTH 3559 Race, Science, and the Law

Sebastian Jackson

TuTh 11:00-12:15


GDS 3114 Science, Technology, and Development

David Edmunds

TuTh 12:30-1:45


HIAF Disease, Medicine, and Health in African History

James La Fleur

TuTh 3:30-4:45


PHIL 2350 Minds Machines and Persons

Zachary Irving

MoWe 2:00-2:50


PHIL 3500-002 Abortion and Reproductive Health

Dee Payton

TuTh 12:30-1:45


PHS 3050 Fundamentals of Public Health

Paige Hornsby

TuTh 12:30-1:45


PHS 3102 Introduction to Public Health Research: Population Data Analysis

Rajesh Balkrishnan

Th 3:30-5:50


PHS 3104 Introduction to Epidemiology: Methodological and Ethical Considerations

Josh Colston

TuTh 2:00-3:15


PHS 3825 Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations

Chris Colvin

Tu 9:00-12:00


PHS 4050 Public Health Policy

Kathryn Quissell 

TuTh 12:30-1:45


PHS 5050 Environmental and Public Health Policy

Ruth Bernheim

Fr 10:00-12:30


PLPT 3500 The Earth, Ethics, Politics and Economics

Tom Donahue-Ochoa

MoWe 5:00-6:00


PLPT 4060 Politics and Literature

Lawrie Balfour

Tu 4:45-7:00


PLPT 4500 The Politics of Emergencies

Jennifer Rubenstein

Tu 2:00-4:30


PLPT 4500 Borders and Rights

Paulina Ochoa Espejo

We 4:30-7:00


PLPT 5500 Freedom, Empire, and Slavery

Lawrie Balfour

Mo 2:00-4:30


PLPT 5500 Democratic Thought in the Global South

Tom Donahue-Ochoa

Mo 7:00-9:30


PSYC 4500 Implications of Social Media on Mental Health

Lanice Avery

Th 3:30-6:00


RELG 2210 Religion, Ethics, and Global Environment

Willis Jenkins

TuTh 11:00-11:50


RELG 3255 Ethics, Literature and Religion

Jennifer Geddes

Th 2:00-4:30


RELG 3559 Religion and the Body

Julia Cassaniti

TuTh 11:00-12:15


RUTR 3500 Medicine and Madness in Russian Literature

Madelyn Stuart

TuTh 5:00-6:15


SOC 3320 Sociology of the Body

Esra Sarioglu

TuTh 9:30-10:45


SOC 3700 Health and Society

David Skubby

TuTh 9:30-10:45


SOC 4530 Universal Health Care: Could It Work Here?

Natalie Aviles

TuTH 12:30-1:45


WGS 4500 Gender and Its Discontents: Trans/Nonbinary Studies

Isabel Gonzales

Mo 2:00-4:30